STAR STRUCK! Super Cool 4th of July DIY Bleach Pen Pillow!

bleach pen 4th of July Stars and Stripes DIY project

Super Sassy, Star Struck 4th of July Bleach Pen Pillow!

Hooray! Try this super fun, super easy DIY bleach pen pillow! I LOVE BLEACH PEN PROJECTS!! Did I tell you it was easy? I literally designed and made this super cute pillow from beginning to end in maybe a half an hour. With hungry kids and hubby I have to be lickety split quick!

In this blog I will give you step by step instructions on how to make this darling pillow. You will need the following materials:

– a pillow covering in a dark color (higher concentrations of cotton work best), with a side zipper or opening
– a CLOROX bleach pen (I get mine from Target and I buy them 3 or 4 at a time!) they are a few bucks
– a piece of white chalk to sketch out your design before bleaching
– a shape or stencil for your design (I used stars)
– a timer
– a sink for rinsing off the bleach
– a washer and dryer
– a pillow cushion for inside

Here is a photo of the materials I used:

easy fourth of July 4th of July DIY bleach pen stars pillow

Easy Materials for diy Bleach Pen Star Pillow

Lucky for me I had some star shapes laying around the cupboard left over from our little gals last birthday party. She had a sweet ‘fashion show’ themed party and we decorated the house movie star style. I had hung a bunch of stars from the ceiling near the ‘runway’. Perfect! I used these stars as my tracing template – glad I saved them! See there are some benefits to being a pack rat 🙂

Here are the steps for making this darling 4th of July, star pillow simply with a piece of chalk, some cardboard star shapes, and a bleach pen:

1- take the pillow cushion out of the pillow covering (I found my dark blue pillow with the stylish burlap trim from Pier One yesterday. It was $29 but on sale, gotta love that! I was searching for a good sized pillow with a side zip to remove the cushion for this project)
2- IMPORTANT! Put something inside the pillow to protect the back side from the bleach. I used a sturdy placemat this time. I have used cardboard in the past. Just be sure whatever you use covers the area you are working on.
3- place your shapes or stencils on the pillow covering
4- use a piece of white chalk to trace and outline the shapes or stencils
5- remove the shapes or stencils
6- go over your chalk tracings with the bleach pen (I prefer to work quickly to make smoother lines). I’m not going for perfect here! I love the artsy, Batik look of the finished project – definitely not perfect but very pretty!
7- set your timer for 5 minutes. Wait 5 minutes 🙂
8- gently take it over to a sink to rinse off the bleach – I recommend wearing gloves here. The bleach can be harsh on your pretty little lady hands, lol
9- run through laundry machine and dryer – this sets the bleach and keeps your design

10-stuff the pillow cushion back into your newly designed star spangled pillow, yay!

Here is a snazzy video on how to do all that!

So cute, so easy, so fast! Start to finish is about a half and hour, honest. This is what my pillow looks like all finished:

bleach, star, stars, 4th of july, blue, bleach, bleach pen, diy, do it yourself, how to, pillow, pillows, fabric, fabric art, batik, decor, decorating, design, designing, art

Here is the end product of a quick and easy bleach pen pillow project, perfect for decorating for the 4th of July!

…think I’m going to make a 2nd pillow and put them both out on our red patio furniture out back – it’s gonna look great! YAY!!!

Where did I get inspired to try this?  I made a handful of bleach pen t-shirts awhile back.

paisley bleach t-shirt style fashion

paisly t-shirt bleach pen art fashion design

I would show you the finished product (what the t-shirt looked like after the bleach was washed off and it was dry) but I gave it away as a gift! I gave it to friend of mine who loves orange and loves paisleys and now I believe loves this t-shirt!  For detailed instructions on how to make a cool and artsy shirt using bleach pens, go to my post Design T-shirt with CLOROX Bleach Pens for Art and Fun.

Let me know if you tried to make a pillow like the one above or have tried something similar. Did I inspire you? I’d love to hear from you! Leave me a comment. thanks for stopping by!


  1. Kris Greenslit says:

    Hi Beat!! I love the star pillow – you have inspired me to try this project. For real!! xoxoxoxo

    • says:

      Hi Kris! Hooray! So glad to hear that Kris :)) The how to video is helpful too. Just ironing out a few wrinkles…should be up soon, stay tuned! Oh, and as a bonus, there is a part where I sound like a real gerbil!! (fast forward video editting) HA!

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